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Prayer Line

The Prayer Line offers prayer support. This committee is a confidential phone network of parishioners that pray for others upon request. Prayer requests are passed down the phone list. To request prayer support via the Prayer Line, see the number published weekly on the bulletin
(Cindy at 330-877-0093)
or email:
cmisanko@neo.rr.com with the subject as Prayer Line.

Book of Intentions

Prayer Intentions may be written in our Book of Intentions located on a stand mounted to the wall in the Narthex. This Book is used to hold our General Intercessions for Mass.

Prayer Basket Request

A basket for prayer requests for the Prayer Line is located in the Narthex on a wood table. Please write your request on a prayer request slip, drop it in the basket, and it will be forwarded to a member of the Prayer Line for prayer support.

Praying Ordinary Time

Resources for staying reflective in important moments of ordinary daily life.
Online Ministries/Praying Ordinary Time