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Celebrating Mass: directives and guidelines

(based upon Diocesan directives and guidelines)

The Bishops of Ohio have reinstated the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. As has always been the case, those who have a serious reason are exempt. This includes those who are ill, have significant health risk factors or care for someone who is immuno-compromised or ill, as well as those who have significant fear or anxiety of contracting the Coronavirus in a large group of persons.

Sunday Offering
You have been so generous in supporting the parish during these months and we thank you. You can make your contribution by placing it in the mail, dropping it in the collection basket, or using the bill pay or EFT option. As a reminder, the practice of passing baskets throughout the assembly is temporarily suspended. Please put your offering in the basket on the table in the Narthex at the beginning of Mass.

Receiving Communion
It is strongly recommended that you take Communion in the hand for safety and health concerns.